Monday, 2 November 2015


In order to understand how we can enjoy greater health and wellbeing, we need to understand something about food. There are four essential groups of food. For health and wellbeing we require food from all the groups. Many foods contain more than one group of food, and milk contains all groups of food. Food is often classified as: Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, and Vitamins & Minerals.

Carbohydrates: are substances that contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They are used in the body to produce energy. They include sugars and starches.

Carbohydrates are usually obtained from plant sources. They are broken down in the body to form glucose, and any that is not immediately required in stored, in the liver and muscles as glycogen. Plants use carbohydrates to build structures and store any excess as starch, whereas, animals use protein to build structures and store any excess as fat. Plants make carbohydrates from sunlight, water, chlorophyll, and carbon dioxide. We obtain them from plants, for example; cereals, starchy roots, legumes (pulses), vegetables and fruits, sugars, preserves and syrups. Carbohydrates are mainly used by the body to produce energy. Where there is a lack of energy, we might think of carbohydrates. The energy in the body is used for:
·         External activities (behaviour), such as work, sport, and leisure-that is any movement of the body.
·         Internal activities including breathing, pumping blood, digestion and the activities of the immune system.

Proteins: are composed, like carbohydrates, of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, but with nitrogen. They may also contain sulphur and phosphorus. 

They are complex molecules composed of amino acids. Proteins are used by the body to: enable growth, development and repair, build structures such as muscles, tissues and organs, including the heart, lungs, digestive organs, enzymes, as such as those required for digestion and hormones, such as those for the endocrine glands. Complete proteins are obtained from meat, fish and dairy products including eggs. Proteins can also be obtained from certain combinations of foods, for example cereals and beans.

Fats and Oils: Fats are substances that are not soluble in water. They are composed of fatty acids and glycerol. Fats are also called lipids. 

Sources of Fat include animal meat, fish, and vegetable oils. Fats are used by the body: in every cell structure, to insulate the body, to produce sex hormones and adrenal cortex hormones, to store energy and to absorb certain vitamins (A, D, E and K).

Vitamins and Minerals: vitamins are substances that are required in the diet for health and wellbeing. They are often grouped as fat-soluble or water-soluble. Fat –soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E and K. Water-soluble vitamins include vitamins C and B.
Minerals are non-organic substances that are required in the diet. While only small amounts of minerals are required in our diets, they are critical in building bones and teeth, regulating heart beat and transporting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Vitamins and Minerals occur in a variety of foods. That is, by eating a variety of foods, you can get the necessary vitamins and minerals you need for health.

by: Biney Ampah Gifty